The PAZ MUNDO social programs in Guatemala are, among other things, a sign of gratitude to the country of Guatemala and the MAYA people. During the 20 years of these institutions' existence, the Muigg family, like many visitors from Europe and the USA, was able to experience the love and gratitude of those in need and experience the healing power of the wise men, healers and shamans.

Need to care for the Mayan population

Die regionale, medizinische Versorgung der Maya-Bevölkerung ist durch fehlende, staatliche Mittel, durch dürftige, hygienische Bedingungen in den staatlichen Gesundheitseinrichtungen kaum gegeben. Besonders in der Region des im Jahre 2001 aufgebauten Hospitals haben die Menschen durch fehlende Mittel kaum Zugang zu schulmedizinischer Hilfe und Betreuung. Privathospitäler und Privatärzte schließen die verarmte Mayabevölkerung nahezu gänzlich aus.

Impact goals of our project work

The goal of our programs is to improve the medical and social living conditions of the impoverished Maya population with a focus on families, children, young people, people with disabilities and women's medicine.

Schwerpunktprogramme 2021

Operation and improvement of the PAZ MUNDO hospital with around 8,000 patients per year

  • Realization of nephrology with the AnsCreation of 2 dialysis machines, which will save many lives.
  • Therapy programs for people with disabilities
  • Program: Reducing Natal and Postnatal Injuries in the Mayan Population
  • Program: Reducing the mortality rate in home births
  • Hygiene program and further training for local midwives

Social programs of our foundation

Expansion of social facilities for needy Mayan families

Disaster relief after natural disasters

Strengthening family structures according to changes in fate

Fighting child poverty

Education of impoverished intelligent young people through scholarships

Pilot project 2021

Base -


ul facility

for children and young people with disabilities

Changes, sustainability

By setting up the hospital, we give up to 8,000 patients every year the opportunity to receive local medical care and support.

Through the foundation's social programs, we can demonstrably change the living situation of many people (especially disabled children and young people).

In this way, we enable the Mayan population in the highlands of Guatemala to live a more humane life.

Links to associations and the PAZ MUNDO foundation

Boards and members of the foundation in Guatemala as well as the associations in Europe (Austria, Switzerland) have made it their common task to promote the foundation's social programs in Guatemala. Together we make our contribution to honoring and strengthening the impoverished MAYA population in the highlands of Guatemala.
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