My BOOKS are inaugural writings

Sie sollten dem Leser Zugänge in die Mysterien der geistigen Welten öffnen.

In my four books (IBERA Verlag Vienna, Elraanis Verlag) I write about my life experiences and my connection to Mayan sages and their worldview and healing methods. They are a valuable key to healing people and nature and are the basis for my intercultural peace work. Through my experiences and my access to the MAYA cosmovision, a world view opened up that is based on respect for what is different and on love for the diversity of creation.

My latest book, published by IBERA VERLAG WIEN, is the BOOK about KOSMOVISION MAYA, a lively summary and introduction of a WORLDVIEW based on respect, love and peace.

Sprache des Herzens, Norbert Muigg

Sprache des Herzens Norbert Muigg

Begegnungen mit Weisen der Maya

IBERA Verlag Wien, November 1999

ISBN 978-3-900436-90-2

„Die Sprache des Herzens – Begegnungen mit Weisen der Maya

Mein erstes Buch ist eine humorvolle Ode an die Liebe, ein Buch für die Stärkung des Vertrauens und der Annahme von Veränderungen. Es ist besonders geeignet für den ersten Einstieg des Lesers und leicht zu lesen.

Ich beschreibe die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem Mysterium, das die Schamanen und Heiler der Maya umgibt. Begegnungen mit den großen Weisen des Landes Guatemala haben mich in meiner Lebenshaltung stark verändert. Auf dem Wege zum Mayapriester wurde ich mit meinen Zweifeln, meinen zu engen Glaubenssätzen als Katholik, mit inneren Nöten und Veränderungen in einem mir noch fremden Land konfrontiert. Unser Einstieg 1989, die folgenden 10 Jahre großer Herausforderungen und die verändernden Begegnungen mit den MAYA führten schließlich zu einem wunderbaren Wandel und zu herzvollen Beziehungen zu den Menschen des Landes. Es waren die ersten Schritte zu einer Weltschau des Friedens, des Respekts und der Liebe - der KOSMOVISION MAYA.

Der Mond im Jaguar, Norbert Muigg

The moon in the Jaguar Norbert Muigg

Consciousness Maya in light and dark

Ibera Verlag Vienna, 2002

ISBN 978-3-85052-125-3

“The Moon in the Jaguar” Consciousness Maya in light and shadow

This book should question in an exciting way the attitude to life and our Christian belief of light “against” shadow. It urges the reader to accept their own darkness, integrate it and penetrate it with love. It takes us to my own experiences with the dark, to the theme of rebirth in Maya, to a special and challenging encounter with the brother death “Keme”. For decades, I have been concerned with actively dealing with evil and with shamanic healing methods derived from ancient experiences of shamans. The lines lead to a respectful, tolerant view of the dark sides of life.

The book is written in an exciting way and challenges you in a special way. Prayers placed between chapters were intended to guide the reader, as I did when writing the book, to an inner balance of light and shadow and thus to healing and inner peace.

Magic of the heart, Norbert Muigg

Magic of the heart Norbert Muigg
Mayan wisdom
IBERA Verlag Vienna, 2005
ISBN 978-3-85052-190-1

In its 20 chapters, this book takes you through my personal experience with the 20 archetypal force fields of the interreligious Mayan calendar. The book should accompany people in their daily tasks and encourage them to take action. The aim of this book is also to embed the world view of the Cosmovision Maya into our Western culture as a “world view of peace and respect”. The 20 Nahuales of MAYA, the 13 number vibrations anchored in the Mayan calendar, lead people to greater insight and awareness. They lead to a more conscious perception of spiritual companions and helpers. After writing this book, it was easier for me to strengthen my image of God, which in Maya is focused on love, respect, joy, beauty and fullness of life, and to consolidate my love for people, nature and GOD.

As a gift, reading the books opens up a deeper heart attitude towards our everyday lives.

Song of Love, Norbert Muigg

Song of Love Omrael Norbert Muigg

Conversations with the soul

Elraanis Verlag Seeon, 2009

ISBN 3-934063-29-2

“Song of Love” Conversations with the soul.

It is a BOOK OF CONSECRACY for the soul of the reader. Creating contact with your own soul is one of the great challenges of human life. I wanted to better understand my own fate, which was activated by illness, divorce, and love for a woman. In order to be able to better classify the beautiful, bright, but also painful and dark experiences of life, I learned to accept my own soul as the cause and impetus for my own fate. Recognizing this and accepting the consequences of this attitude is uncomfortable, challenging and painful. When I wrote this book, I realized how important it is for me to take responsibility for my life choices and to hear and accept the daily influences of my everyday life as the song of my souls. Ultimately, by writing this book, I healed myself from the pain of a fateful phase in my life. Along with divorce, meningitis, double facial paralysis and the pain of unfulfilled love, the soul sang its song of healing and recognition. I had to rewrite or rewrite this book until it became the healing book for my own soul. Since then she has been talking to me and she lovingly explains the context of life to me.

BE - GEISTERT, Norbert Muigg


Old knowledge - new zeitgeist

IBERA Verlag Vienna

ISBN 978-3-85052-402-5

In this book I accompany you into a mystical world of new experiences and insights into the COSMOVISION of MAYA, which is based on love and respect. At the same time, I also open up personally about many of my experiences working with people as a seminar leader, wisdom teacher and shaman. In this book I limit myself to the central questions that we ask ourselves in everyday life. As you read the short chapters, you can also realign your own life using the included invocations and tips.

This book is not a representation of religious content - Maya is not a religion - but rather a world view that encompasses the central life issues between humans and spiritual forces and worlds.

When reading the book, you have the opportunity to learn about thousands of years of knowledge from the once highly developed Mayan people, translated into today's zeitgeist. In my Christian-oriented worldview, the Mayan cosmovision became the basis on which I live and experience my ideas of love, respect, responsibility, closeness to nature and spiritual empowerment with a lot of gratitude and joy.

I strive to implement this content in my public work, in seminars, congresses and, above all, in my work in the healing and peace center PAZ MUNDO in Guatemala and to bring it to the participants.

This knowledge is similar in many ways to the experiences of the indigenous tribes of America, but also to ancient Celtic, Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew knowledge.

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