How do others see my work?

I don't know anyone who approaches their task with such dedication, care, wisdom and responsibility. Not to be forgotten is the courage to approach topics and tasks that are outside the norm, to go beyond boundaries and to try things out, sometimes at a high price and with a lack of understanding in those around you. The following is addressed to some critics - the clever, courageous and courageous change and develop the course of the world, and definitely not the fearful, observers and inactive ones.
GN Tyrol

NORBERT is a heart warrior, he moves and heals with the power of his divine HEART LOVE and cosmic WISDOM!
With this LOVE he moves into the depths of people's souls and gives help where help is allowed. In his seminars, participants experience
a state of bliss through the high vibrations - he is a cosmic person. MUCHAS, MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!

In seminars you accompany the participants very carefully and attentively.
I find you to be authentic in what you say and do. You are one of the people who have had an impressive impact on my life and that of my family and still do.
PK South Tyrol

I find Norbert's work to be based on respect and mindfulness.
I would like to thank you, Norbert, for your loving support over the years
GN O-Austria

Norbert, I'll just tell you one thing - it feels really good, my insides are laughing at the thought of change, even though there are a lot of question marks. After the last seminar, I withdrew more, am freed from some burdens and completely myself - just WONDERFUL.
ST Austria

Our meeting 15 years ago was of crucial importance for my life in terms of outlook and attitude towards life. The sharing of your own experiences, your connection to Mayan wisdom, your service to the earth, to the spiritual worlds and entities, your rituals and conversations,... and much more have brought about great changes in me. I was able to better recognize my own qualities and weaknesses and grow by dealing with them.
ZM Austria

The Dalai Lama's quote: "The heart of all religions is one" is expressed very credibly in your work. The worldview of the connection between light and shadow, your peace work, your support...move me in the turbulent phases of my life.
PL Switzerland

It was through you that I was able to begin to understand, feel and understand what our Christian culture is, what it means to connect with the heart. Years of religious instruction were unable to do this.
LS Tyrol

I like how you repeatedly connect old traditions of different cultures with the new spirit of the times and build bridges to the wisdom of ancient peoples...
HK Germany

There is so much contained in Maya's world view and you make it understandable. Living in the here and now, the connection with nature to beings from distant's all part of your dedication and work...I change my worldview and much more,...
DK Switzerland
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